Who we are
The International Sport Fishing Confederation (CIPS) was born on 22nd February, 1952 in Rome with the signature of the official papers and the drawing up of the statutes in the Honour Room of the Italian National Olympic Committee (C.O.N.I.).
The International Sport Fishing Confederation is an Organization of universal nature which has the goal to promote, coordinate and improve all the activities in touch with the fishing from a sporting point of view.
Its sporting, technical, scientific or cultural activities are opened to all regardless of race, social, politics, gender or religion, according to the principles of the Olympic ideal.
The CIPS action stretches all over the world. It is the only organization which represents the great community of sport fishermen. Currently 152 National Federations from 78 countries and one international fishing organisation, representing altogether about 50 million members are belonging to CIPS.
The head office of the CIPS is located in Rome, Palazzo Delle Federazioni, viale Tiziano 70.
The International Sport Fishing Confederation is structured on three international sport fishing federations: the International Fresh Water Sport Fishing Federation (FIPS-ed), the International Fly Sport Fishing Federation (FIPS-Mouche), the International Sea Sport Fishing Federation (FIPS-M). The International Casting Sport Fishing Federation (ICSF) is associated member of the CIPS.
Under the aegis of the CIPS, the International Federations organize every year World championships, European Championships and others international events. Since 2000, C.I.P.S. has been organizing three editions of Mondiaux, the Sport Fishing Games, where all sport fishing disciplines are represented.

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Code of Ethics
- Expresses the values of CIPS
- Respect to ethical prinicples
- General Olympism principles
- Fair play and cleanes
Internal Rules
- Complement of the Statutes
- CIPS basic data
- Election details
- Court of Appeal procedure